Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Cara alami mengatasi masalah wajah

Cara alami mengatasi masalah wajah:
1. Bubuk kayu cendana yang dibuat pasta
Bubuk kayu cendana dapat bekerja secara ajaib untuk menutupi pori-pori kulit yang besar bekas jerawat. Caranya oleskan pada bekas jerawat sebelum tidur dan gunakan semalaman, lalu bilas dengan air dingin di pagi hari. Pemakaian yang rutin akan mendapatkan hasil yang bagus.

2. Bubuk kayu cendana yang dicampur dengan air mawar
Caranya oleskan pada bekas jerawat sebelum tidur dan gunakan semalaman lalu bilas dengan air dingin di pagi hari. Tapi jika kulit menjadi kering, cobalah ditambahkan susu dalam ramuan bubuk cendana itu dan gunakan hanya beberapa jam saja tak perlu semalaman.

3. Pori-pori kulit sehabis jerawatan biasanya membesar, untuk mengencangkannya bisa diusap-usap dengan es batu di wajah selama 15 menit.

4. Menggosok-gosokkan kulit bagian dalam timun atau tomat ke wajah adalah cara lain menghilangkan bekas jerawat. Biarkan selama 15 menit lalu bilas dengan air bersih. Tomat tidak hanya mengecikan pori-pori tapi juga menghilangkan komedo dan cocok untuk pengobatan kulit berminyak.

Diet sehat


  1. Tambahkan blueberry segar, stroberi atau raspberry pada oatmeal atau sereal sarapan Anda
  2. Gunakan pisang beku atau bayam muda untuk membuat smoothie
  3. Tambahkan tomat cincang dan cabai hijau untuk orak-arik telur
  4. Tambahkan mentega kacang dan irisan apel Granny Smith pada sepotong roti panggang dengan.

Makan siang

  1. Tambahkan lebih banyak sayur dalam sandwich, seperti irisan mentimun, kecambah, wortel diparut dan arugula (daun salad).
  2. Gunakan hummus (selai Timur Tengah) sebagai pengganti mustard
  3. Sebagai snack, makan keripik kale bukan keripik kentang.
  4. Tambahkan brokoli panggang ke pizza muffin buatan sendiri.

Makan malam

  1. Panggang sayuran dan tambahkan ke hidangan pasta dan salad
  2. Tambahkan brokoli atau kembang kol cincang untuk saus spaghetti
  3. Tambahkan buah kering dan kacang untuk rice pilaf (nasi berbumbu khas Timur Tengah)
  4. Buah pizza sendiri dengan menambahkan banyak sayuran segar dan bumbu diatasnya.

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

We are the wold (the amazing song)

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call

When the world must come together as one.
There are people dying
Ooohhh and it's time to lend a hand
To life, the greatest gift of all.

We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone somewhere will soon make a change.
We are all a part of
God's great big family

And the truth
You know
Love is all we need.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

Send them your heart
So they know that someone cares
[ Lyrics from: ]
And that life will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
And so that we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

When you're down and out
And there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we could fall
Well now now now let us realize
Ohhhh that a change can only come
When we stand together as one yeah yeah yeah yeahh

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

4 somethin' new

          Dear diary. God, I lost my spirit of life again. How could this happen to me? Over'n over again! I don't take anymore.. It's hurt,God. I need d'some1 special again 4 my lonely heart. Actually, I'm so exhausted. I really sorry if I always grumble. B'coz I don't want to waste my life time 4 nothing. I want to get something real 4 my life. Ya.. Rahman...

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


Bagian-bagian surat pribadi:

1. Tempat, tanggal,bulan,tahun penulisan surat
2. Alamat surat
3. Salam pembuka
4. Kalimat pembuka
5. Isi surat
6. Kalimat penutup
7. Salam Penutup
8. Tanda tangan
9. Nama pengirim

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011


Ohh wooaah (3x)
You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl quit playing
Were just friends, What are you saying
Said theres another, Look right in my eyes

My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ohhh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine mine

Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine,mine (oh oh)

For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe, we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, But I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And im in pieces, Baby fix me
And just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream

Im going down, down, down, dooown
And I just cant believe my first love would be around.

And I'm like
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine
Justin Bieber Baby lyrics found on

Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohhh
I thought youd always be mine, mine

When I was 13, I had my first love,
There was nobody that compared to my baby,
And nobody came between us or could ever come above
She had me goin' crazy,
Oh I was starstruck,
She woke me up daily,
Don't need no Starbucks.
She made my heart pound,
And skip a beat when I see her in the street and,
At school on the playground,
But I really wanna see her on the weekend,
She know she got me gazin',
Cuz she was so amazin',
And now my heart is breakin',
But I just keep on sayin'...

Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine

(I'm gone)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (6x)
(Now Im all gone, now im all gone, now im all gone)
Gone, gone, gone,(gone)
I'm gone.

Like A Cinderella Story

         Yeah, maybe my life as like Cinderella. I have to wake up early, praying, cleaning my big house, sweap the large garden with a broom and so on. Huff... It's so exhausted. The differ is I don't have d'vain step mother and two vain sister too. But, I have d'same dream. That's it, I really want to have a real princess as like Cinderella has a charming prince. And, I hope, we both live happily ever after.

Just only U in my heart

              God, it's me again. I just want to ask a question. Maybe the stupid question. Honestly, as U know that I do love someone. And, I always miss that someone forever. U know what I mean, God. From d'deepest of my heart that I do love, I do care, I do like that people. But, I cannot tell to d'people that'I love you'. That people always come into my heart. 0h, God! Tonight I do miss that people. God, please tell to d'people that'I love u'.

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Main tebak-tebakan nyoookk........

 Tebak2an ni di jamin bisa bikin ngakak

1. Mengapa Kentut Laki2 lebih keras daripada kentut perempuan?
Karena Laki2 punya Mix

2. Orang apa kalau dipukul gak sakit-sakit?
Orang gak kena, yeeeeeeeeee!

3. Jus apa yang turun dari langit?
Jus...tru itu saya ngga tau.....

4. Cewek apa yang bolongnya di tengah?
Cewek-cewek bilang, sih....donat!

5. Bentuknya panjang, berbulu, dimasukin cengar cengir, apa huayooooooooo?
Sikat gigi

6. Di pegang jinak di lihat lari?

7. Siapa presiden RI yang paling sexy?
Pa ha bibi

8. Nyarinya susah, pas udah dapet di buang, apaan tuh?

9. Mangga apa yang mengerikan?
MANGGAaruk-garuk pantat singa

10. Apa bedanya susu cap nona dengan susu nona?
Kalau susu cap nona kantal manis
Kalau susu nona kental-kentul lebih manis

11. Hitam, lonjong, panjang, keras, letaknya di depan?
Rem becak, g'percaya liat ja ndiri

12. Warnanya abu-abu, panjang, di tengahnya ada lubangnya dan bisa lentur naik turun, apaan coba?
Belalai gajah

13. Hewan apa yang aneh di dunia?
Belalang kupu-kupu, karena kalau siang makan nasi kalau malam minum susu

14. Panda apa yang paling imut, CUTE abis dah, lucu buanget, dan ngegemesin buangat getoh?
PANDAngin muka gue aja sampe puassssss....!

15. Kepalanya merah, badannya hijau, jalannya mundur, kalau jalan badannya makin abis, apaan tuh?
Obat nyamuk

16. Bola yang di sukai anak-anak?

17. Bulu apa yang warnanya kuning?

Moga tebak2an ntu bisa bkin ngakak. Ntar d sambung lagi


Agar daya pikir dan daya ingat kita baik , berikut tips cara manjaga kemampuan otak. Tips ini hanya untuk menjaga kemampuan otak jadi bukan menambah rajin orang yang malas...he..he...
Berikut tips Trik untuk menjaga kemampuan otak agar terus bekerja secara baik.

1. Minum Teh Hijau
Teh hijau yang mengandung anti oksidan tinggi, akan memerangi radikal bebas yang dapat menyerang saraf otak. Teh hijau telah terbukti bisa menghambat enzim yang menyebabkan Alzheimer. Selain itu teh hijau juga membuat kemampuan otak lebih tajam.

2. Mengunyah
Ternyata dengan mengunyah dapat meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak yang mengontrol memori. Kalau andat lagi belajar atau membaca coba sambil kunyah permen karet, karena permen karet kalo dikunyah ga habis-habis, beda dengan mengunyah yang lainnya.

3. Memainkan alat musik
Dengan memainkan atau latihan alat musik dapat meningkatkan ketajaman berpikir. Apalagi kalau rutin dapat membantu daya pikir dan daya ingat menjadi lebih baik.

4. Mencium wangi bunga
Menurut penelitian di Amerika menunjukkan bahwa, orang yang sering mencium wangi bunga bisa berpikir 17 persen lebih cepat. Aroma bunga dipercaya bisa menghilangkan stress dan menjadikan pikiran lebih tajam.

Nah demikian tips menjaga dan mengasah kemampuan otak supaya dapat terus membantu daya pikir dan daya ingat menjadi lebih baik.

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Just my imagination

              All d'people in this world have a dream and I also have a dream just like an imagination. Sometimes, I really want to fly in d'middle of d'night. To feel d'wind and reach d'stars. To feel d'freedom that I want. Flying like a bird and ignore all d'problems in my life. I'll spread my wings and learn how to fly and steady in d'cloud. Yeah, it's just a...

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

My Beloved Sister

od, I want to ask the question. Why did you take my beloved sister? I can’t believe that! You’re gone away is very fast! She’s still young. She’s pretty. She’s lovely. She’s beautiful. And, she’s so mesmerize. She has a daughter. And, the daughter is a baby. I do love her. She has ever given me a spirit for life when I got diseases. But now, she’s gone. I thought, yesterday I’ve seen her laughed, smiled, and full of joy. And, you’ve given my beloved sister diseases. And, she was dying and lied in the hospital. She couldn’t do anything. I so sad looked my beloved sister dying. If I were her, maybe I have the power to keep survive and face the diseases she has got. And, it’s going to be alright.
“Yan, how do you do?” Are you alright? Have you eaten? Have you drunk? Have you prayed? I really miss you. Do you miss me as I miss you? “Yan, why you go away?”  Don’t you like us anymore? Oh, God! I really want to meet her again. I really miss the way she laugh, angry, up set, happy and I do want to hug her very huge. If there is the way to meet her again. Where, oh where, can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me.  She’s peace in heaven with her father now. He’s my father too. So, I got to be good. So, I can see my baby when I leave this world.
Oh, God…, I lost someone who I do love anymore. She’s so gorgeous. When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart I’ll be missing you. I’ve never felt this way before, everything that I do, reminds me of you. She’s my beloved sister that I ever have. Nothing’s going to change my love to her. I do love her. God, please take care about her. Thanks for everything that you ever gave to me, Yan. Thank you so much. You are a hero. My love is never died till the ends for you.

I'm so guilty

Ya Allah.. I don't know what should I do. I'm so confused. I'm so guilty! I want to cry! I want to scream! And, I feel that they don't like me! I feel so small. How could this happen to me?! I just want to out from my job because I feel so ashamed. I hope that I can be a responsible but, it can't be. I've just made a mistake!! Oh, God..! Where should I go?? Actually, I love d'children.

Apa yang harus arip lakukan?

Ya Allah,rsa-y arip kpngn pergi dr dunia ini. Maaf Tuhan jk rip brkta bgni. Rip cuma nangis, g'tau hrs gmna lg. Rip sbnr-y dah cape d dunia ni. Tp,klo ngliat mi2 arip ksian bngt. Rip nyari duit cuma wat mi2&kprluan shari-hari rip. Rip nglakuin kslhn dtmpt krja. Rip tledor g'liat jam jdwl mngjar. Rip ngrsa brslh bngt. Dlu, rip prnh dtnya ma gru tmpt kursus LIA,'Do u have any ideas?' Yep, I want to be a respnsbl teachr.'' Tp skrg impian tu hilang.

such a lonely day

I don't have any idea to write anything in this note. I want to share with someone but no one can accompany me. Huff, I don't like in this part, God! I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do anything if I can. I want to scream very loud to express my feeling. You know what, sometime I want to fade away from this world,hahahak... I'm kidding. Huff, I want to sleep but I cannot.